Thursday, October 15, 2009

from Wes HB

Thanks for your thoughts and reflections. I'm writing back to encourage the possibility of the kind of "alt-study" of biblical materials that we can't find anywhere else. Most of us probably can't afford, in time or money, to do a lot of traveling around, but we might be able to find spaces in between everything else to offer thoughts on a specific book or biblical topic. Given the amount of biblical garbage on the internet, this would be a very refreshing and exciting possibility.

The Hiebert book, as much as I can see online, looks interesting, although I no longer "believe in" the "Yahwist." But maybe that's a conversation, too! Anyone interested in engaging some of the questions I'm raising in my book in progress ("Come Out My People": God's Call Out of Empire From the Beginning to the End)? Feedback and stimulating discussion from folks like you would be really helpful.


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